What is mHBOT?

MHBOT, or mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is a noninvasive treatment that uses high ambient pressure to push oxygen into the parts of the body that the circulatory system can’t easily reach. The added oxygen revitalizes the body and helps heal damaged tissue.

So, how does this all work?

When we breathe, the oxygen travels through our lungs and into our bloodstream. The majority of the oxygen is bound to red blood cells which travel throughout the body and deposit it as needed. But what happens to the rest? Well, a small amount of oxygen, about 0.3 ml per 100 ml, is absorbed into our plasma (the liquid part of the blood) instead. The plasma can reach places that the red blood cells, due to their size, cannot; and it brings the oxygen it absorbs with it. The more oxygen the plasma has, the more oxygen gets to parts of the body that don’t normally receive much, including damaged tissue. So, where does the hyperbaric chamber come in?
Mild hyperbaric chambers raise the air pressure inside them 1.3 to 1.5 times higher than the air pressure outside them, thus pushing more oxygen into our blood and, therefore, into our plasma. As you already know, more oxygen in the plasma means more oxygen available to help heal our bodies.

For those of you who want more science –

MHBOT uses high ambient pressure to make more oxygen dissolve into the plasma. The pressure in the chamber is measured in ATA units, or Atmosphere Absolute units. Sea level has an air pressure of 1 ATA, while mild hyperbaric chambers are able to generate between 1.3 and 1.5 ATA. With the increase in pressure in the chamber, two laws of physics come into play. These are Henry’s Law and Boyle’s Law. Henry’s law states that the solubility of a gas (in this case, oxygen) into a liquid (that’s the plasma) is directly proportional to the pressure. When you raise the pressure, solubility, or the ability for the gas to dissolve in liquid, goes up. Boyle’s law states that the number of oxygen molecules in a given volume is directly proportional to pressure. So, in a 1.3 ATA chamber, for instance, there is 30% more oxygen available. With the increase in oxygen in the plasma comes an increase in the oxygen that is delivered to tissue throughout the body. This is what allows the treatment to aid in repairing tissue, restoring bodily function, and improving overall health.